- Customer Experience and Engagement
Setting up Your Adobe Account
Students submit a request for an account at http://www.adobe.psu.edu/
Staff submit a request to the helpdesk to have an account created
Faculty may either submit a request to the helpdesk or sign up through the webpage http://www.adobe.psu.edu/- If you signed up through the webpage, you will receive a confirmation email from software @ PennState
- You will receive an email from Adobe when your account is ready to use.
- Once your account is ready to use, it will be linked to your Penn State Access account and password. You may install the Creative Cloud app to manage the individual programs.
- When installing Adobe apps on a PSUCLA owned computer you will install the Adobe Creative Cloud app from Self Service if you use a MAC and Software Center if you use a PC. Please see the specific instructions below for your appropriate operating system.
- If you need instructions on using Self Service on a Mac or Software Center on a PC see the Apple Self Service Tutorial or the Windows Software Center tutorial on our FAQ page at http://it.la.psu.edu/self-help-faqs.
By launching Adobe Bridge and choosing Edit→Color Settings, you can change your color preferences across all Creative Cloud applications at one time, as shown in this figure. In many Creative Cloud applications, you have the option to specify your main preferences for the overall document, such as setting up page dimensions, number of pages. When I open Adobe Creative Cloud through google chrome web browser, the default setting keep changing to French - even though I am using this link - 6451317. Verwenden Sie Adobe Creative Cloud-Applikationen und -Dienste, die Dateiverwaltung und vieles mehr.
Logging In to Creative Cloud on a Windows PC and Installing Apps
- If the Adobe Creative Cloud app isn't already open, go to your Start Menu --> All Apps --> Adobe Creative Cloud Folder --> Adobe Creative Cloud app
- Enter your Penn State email address into the Email Address field, the password field can be left blank.
- Choose Enterprise ID
- Sign in to the WebAccess page using your Penn State Access account and Duo security.
- If you are successfully logged in to the client, you will see an app window that looks like the picture below. Next, click on the Apps link near the top of the Creative Cloud app window to see the available apps.
- If you already have Adobe apps loaded, you will see Update buttons beside them. For new apps, you don't have loaded you'll see Install buttons next to the app. Installed apps that do not have an update available will have an Open button next to them.
For installed apps that have an Open button next to them, if you hover your pointer over the Open button a Cog Wheel icon will appear to the left of the Open button. If you left click this Cog Wheel icon a menu will appear giving you the options to Manage Application or Uninstall the app. - Update and install apps as you see fit. As long as you use the Adobe Creative Cloud app you do not need admin rights to install, update, manage or uninstall an Adobe Creative Cloud app.
Logging Out of Creative Cloud on a Windows PC
- If the Adobe Creative Cloud app isn't already open, go to your Start Menu --> All Apps --> Adobe Creative Cloud Folder --> Adobe Creative Cloud app
- Next click on the menu button on the upper right hand side of the Creative Cloud app window. The menu button looks like cogwheel with a downward pointing arrow to the right of the wheel.
- Choose Preferences… from the menu.
- Click the blue Sign Out button on the right side of the Preferences screen.
- Click the Sign Out button on the confirmation dialog that pops up.
- At this point, you should be logged out of your Creative Cloud account. You will see the screen below if you are successfully logged out.
Logging In to Creative Cloud on a Mac and Installing Apps
- If the Adobe Creative Cloud app is not already open, go to your Applications folder, Adobe Creative Cloud Folder then open the Adobe Creative Cloud app.
- Enter your Penn State email address into the Email Address field, the password field can be left blank.
- Choose Enterprise ID
- Sign in to the WebAccess page using your Penn State Access account and Duo security.
- If you are successfully logged in, you will see an app window that looks like the picture below. Next, click on the Apps link near the top of the Creative Cloud app window to see the available apps.
- If you already have Adobe apps loaded you will see Update buttons beside them. For new apps, you don't have loaded you'll see Install buttons next to the app. Installed apps that do not have an update available will have an Open button next to them.
For installed apps that have an Open button next to them, if you hover your pointer over the Open button a Cog Wheel icon will appear to the left of the Open button. If you left click this Cog Wheel icon a menu will appear giving you the options to Manage Application or Uninstall the app. - Update and install apps as you see fit. As long as you use the Adobe Creative Cloud app you do not need admin rights to install, update, manage or uninstall an Adobe Creative Cloud app.
Logging Out of Creative Cloud on a Mac
- If the Adobe Creative Cloud app is not already open, go to your Applications folder, Adobe Creative Cloud Folder then open the Adobe Creative Cloud app.
- Next click on the menu button on the upper right hand side of the Creative Cloud app window. The menu button looks like cogwheel with a downward pointing arrow to the right of the wheel.
- Choose Preferences… from the menu.
- Click the blue Sign Out button on the right side of the Preferences screen.
- Click the Sign Out button on the confirmation dialog that pops up.
- At this point, you should be logged out your Creative Cloud account. You will see the screen below if you are successfully logged out.
Additional Resources
Creative Cloud Learn and Support
Beginners Guide
Community Forum
What is changing?
Adobe has changed their licensing model from Serial number licensing (having a serial number on a TCU-owned computer) to either a Named User License (NUL) or a Shared Device License (SDL). To address this change, the current Adobe serial license needs to be removed from all TCU computers before expiration in early 2020 and replaced with either a Named license or a Shared license.
- Named User licenses will be used on all TCU-owned Faculty/Staff Windows and Macintosh computers.
- Current Faculty/Staff will be assigned NULs.
- NULs can be assigned to student workers but that must be requested.
- Shared Devices licenses will be used on all lab and classroom computers along with locations that have computers that are shared by multiple people.
- Current Students will be assigned SDLs.
Note: Named License users can login to Adobe on both NUL and SDL machines while users with a Shared Device License can only login to Adobe on machines with a SDL version of Adobe.
In most cases you have already been upgraded but others may have to take action to login or install the updated software. Once we remove the serial license from your TCU-owned computer, you will be prompted to login to the Adobe Creative Cloud app to install and manage the Adobe products on your computer. Read below for more information about the different licenses.
Named User License
Current Employees are licensed under the Named User Licensing. The Named User Licensing ties the usage of Adobe apps and services to an individual user. Computers must connect to Adobe servers for initial activation, and then at least once every 99 days. End users can sign in with their credentials to access the apps and services.
- Named licenses require periodic Internet connectivity.
- Computers must connect to Adobe servers for initial activation, and then at least once every 99 days.
- End users can sign in with their credentials to access the apps and services through Single Sign-On
- Users can install/activate Adobe Creative Cloud software on up to 2 devices simultaneously
Named User Device Environments
Adobe Creative Cloud Sign In
- TCU-owned computers assigned to current Faculty/Staff members (non-shared computers)
- Personal computers (Work-at-Home functionality)
- TCU Owned Departmental Computers for Student Workers
- Note: This requires the student to use their SW account and that the account has had email added which is not done by default and may have to be requested.
Warning – You are limited to using Adobe CC on two devices at the same time with a named user device license.
Named License users can login to Adobe on both NUL and SDL machines while users with a Shared Device License can only login to Adobe on machines with a SDL version of Adobe.
Shared Device License
Locations with shared computers (i.e. labs and classrooms) are licensed under the Shared Device License (SDL). Current students are assigned the Shared Device license and can login to Adobe on these machines (see the note under the NUL section for student workers). The SDL is a huge leap forward in the experience that students and faculty/staff have when accessing Adobe products in shared-device environments. Once you open a Adobe CC product in one of these environments you will be prompted to login with your TCU credentials.
Note: These machines will prompt you every 90 minutes if you are using a Adobe product for that long to verify that you are still the same user.
Shared Device Environments
- Computer Labs
- Classroom Computers
- Shared Laptop or Desktop Machines by Faculty/Staff
Named License users can login to Adobe on both NUL and SDL machines while users with a Shared Device License can only login to Adobe on machines with a SDL version of Adobe.
Installation Instructions
Please, follow the instructions below to get a NUL or SDL version of Adobe Creative Cloud installed on a device.
Adobe Creative Cloud Language Not Changing Windows 10
Named User License (NUL)
These instructions will walk you through how to install the named user license on a windows or mac computer (TCU-owned or personal for work-at-home purposes).
Warning – You are limited to using Adobe CC on two devices at the same time with a named user device license.
Shared Device License (SDL)
Shared Device Licenses are already installed in labs, classrooms, and some group access areas. Win 10 virtual machine. If you need a computer to have a SDL, please reach out to the IT Support HelpDesk to put in a request to have this version of Adobe Creative Cloud installed.
Note: SDLs can only be installed on TCU owned devices.
Work at Home Functionality
Current TCU faculty/staff can use the Adobe CC Named User License (NUL) on their personal devices at home. This benefit comes at no cost but there are limitations to what this can be used for and in how many places it can be used at any given time.
Visit our Adobe Work-at-Home page to learn more about how you can take advantage of this toolset.
Adobe Creative Cloud Language Not Changing Images
Note: Keep in mind that support for personal devices is limited so much of the work that you do on these devices will be on your own.
Get Online Training
Adobe cc 2015 release date. Keep in mind that support for Adobe products is limited and learning to use the products requires that you invest time in training/research. Employees will be expected to learn how to utilize the products themselves.
Check out the following Adobe CC tutorials for additional assistance: